CKDGen rapid decline project: summary statistics of rapid3 and ckdi25 for the CKDGen - Freiburg homepage Dear Yong, please find attached the download link for the rapid3 and ckdi25 summary statistics for the CKDGen repository at the Freiburg homepages. These are the column descriptions: # Chr chromosome # Pos_b37 position (build 37) # RSID rs identifier # Allele1 coded (effect) allele # Allele2 noncoded allele # Freq1 frequency of allele 1 # OR odds ratio of association of allele 1 # StdErr Standard error, 2nd GC corrected # P-value P value, 2nd GC corrected # N_total_sum Number of subjects in analysis und this is the n: n_ckdi25: 19,901 cases and 175,244 controls n_rapid3: 34,874 cases and 107,090 controls md5sums 0baf7d8e7dccbf1a22bd2b945101e5f4 CKDGen_ckdi25_overall.txt.gz b1a0d8ebbdb37478dc70be04af3b2c84 CKDGen_rapid3_overall.txt.gz Could you please inform me as soon as you succesfully downloaded the data? Thank you! Best, Mathias