The following gzipped files contain GWAS meta-analysis summary statistics of kidney function traits from recently completed efforts of the CKDGen Consortium ("CKDGen Round 4"). A manuscript accompanying these data titled "A catalogue of molecular targets for kidney function from genetic analyses of a million individuals" is in revision at Nature Genetics. We would like to include a link to the CHARGE Summary Results site (phs000930.v6.p1) in dbGaP in the publication. 20171016_MW_eGFR_overall_ALL_nstud61.dbgap.txt.gz - estimated GFR, trans-ethnic 20171017_MW_eGFR_overall_EA_nstud42.dbgap.txt.gz - estimated GFR, European ancestry BUN_overall_ALL_YL_20171017_METAL1_nstud_33.dbgap.txt.gz - Blood Urea Nitrogen, trans-ethnic BUN_overall_EA_YL_20171108_METAL1_nstud24.dbgap.txt.gz - Blood Urea Nitrogen, European ancestry CKD_overall_ALL_JW_20180223_nstud30.dbgap.txt.gz - Chronic Kidney Disease, trans-ethnic CKD_overall_EA_JW_20180223_nstud23.dbgap.txt.gz - Chronic Kidney Disease, European ancestry Column description of the summary files: Chr: chromosome Pos_b37: base pair position on human genome build 37 RSID: rs-identifier Allele1: coded (effect) allele Allele2: noncoded allele Freq1: frequency of Allele1 Effect: beta coefficient for Allele1 StdErr: standard error P-value: p-value n_total_sum: sample size Study-specific files have been corrected for genomic control prior to meta-analysis, but not after meta-analysis, since the LD score regression intercept was close to 1. A copy of the accepted paper and supplementary material will be submitted once the publication is accepted. Please contact us if details related to quality control, variant filtering and filtering of the meta-analysis results are required at this point. Contact: Matthias Wuttke, Yong Li, Anna Kottgen, or Cristian Pattaro,