Li et al., 2017
SOS2 and ACP1 Loci Identified through Large-Scale Exome Chip Analysis Regulate Kidney Development and Function
Genome-wide association studies have identified >50 common variants associated with kidney function, but these variants do not fully explain the variation in eGFR. We performed a two-stage meta-analysis of associations between genotypes from the Illumina exome array and eGFR on the basis of serum creatinine (eGFRcrea) among participants of European ancestry from the CKDGen Consortium (nStage1: 111,666; nStage2: 48,343). In single-variant analyses, we identified single nucleotide polymorphisms at seven new loci associated with eGFRcrea (PPM1J, EDEM3, ACP1, SPEG, EYA4, CYP1A1, and ATXN2L; PStage1<3.7E-7), of which most were common and annotated as nonsynonymous variants. Gene-based analysis identified associations of functional rare variants in three genes with eGFRcrea, including a novel association with the SOS Ras/Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 2 gene, SOS2 (P=5.4E-8 by sequence kernel association test). Experimental follow-up in zebrafish embryos revealed changes in glomerular gene expression and renal tubule morphology in the embryonic kidney of acp1- and sos2-knockdowns. These developmental abnormalities associated with altered blood clearance rate and heightened prevalence of edema. This study expands the number of loci associated with kidney function and identifies novel genes with potential roles in kidney formation.
Data set description
EA indicate analyses performed among participants of European ancestry
AA indicate analyses performed among participants of African ancestry
DM and nonDM indicate results from analyses stratified by diabetes status
All other analyses were performed in the overall group
Within each file, the data are presented as follows:
- chr: chromosome
- bp_hg19: base pair position from hg19
- rsID: rs-identifier
- allele1: coded allele
- allele2: noncoded allele
- beta: is the beta-coefficient for allele1 (rounded to 2 significant digits)
- se: is the standard error (rounded to 2 significant digits)
- pval: is the p-value (rounded to 2 significant digits)
- N: is the sample size
- 1KG_(EUR/AFR)_MAF: is the frequency of the minor allele from the 1000G analyses in European or African ancestry
- ExAC_(EUR/AFR)_MAF: is the frequency of the minor allele from ExAC in European or African ancestry
- eGFRcrea overall, EA, Nmax=111,666
- eGFRcrea DM, EA, Nmax=14,308
- eGFRcrea nonDM, EA, Nmax=94,677
- eGFRcys overall, EA, Nmax=32,861
- UACR, EA, Nmax=31,164
- eGFRcrea overall, AA, Nmax=9,067
- eGFR DM, AA, Nmax=2,162
- eGFRcrea nonDM, AA, Nmax=6,597
- eGFRcys overall, AA, Nmax=4,440
- UACR, AA, Nmax=4,387
Reference The preferred citation is as follows:
Li M, Li Y, Weeks O, et al. SOS2 and ACP1 Loci Identified through Large-Scale Exome Chip Analysis Regulate Kidney Development and Function. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017 Mar;28(3):981-994.
- LiEtAl2017.tar.gz
- Li_etal_2017_full.pdf
- Published_UACR_AA.csv.gz
- Published_UACR_EA.csv.gz
- Published_eGFRcrea_DM_AA.csv.gz
- Published_eGFRcrea_DM_EA.csv.gz
- Published_eGFRcrea_nonDM_AA.csv.gz
- Published_eGFRcrea_nonDM_EA.csv.gz
- Published_eGFRcrea_overall_AA.csv.gz
- Published_eGFRcrea_overall_EA.csv.gz
- Published_eGFRcys_overall_AA.csv.gz
- Published_eGFRcys_overall_EA.csv.gz