CKDGen Data Sets
Please choose a data set to see its description and to download data.
- Scholz et al., 2023:X-chromosomal associations eGFR, UA, BUN, CKD, UACR, MA, and Gout
- Tin, Schlosser et al., 2021:Trans-ethnic meta-analysis of EWAS data for serum urate
- Stanzick et al., 2021:Meta-analysis of GWAS data for creatinine- and cystatin C-based estimated GFR
- Schlosser, Tin et al., 2021:Trans-ethnic meta-analysis of EWAS data for eGFR, UACR, CKD, and MA
- Gorski et al., 2021:GWAS meta-analysis across 42 longitudinal studies of rapid eGFRcrea decline
- Tin, Marten, Kuhns, Li, Wuttke, Kirsten et al., 2019:Urate and gout associations; trans-ethnic and European American ancestry
- Wuttke, Li Y., Li M., Sieber, Feitosa, Gorski et al., 2019:eGFR, BUN and CKD associations; trans-ethnic and European American ancestry
- Teumer, Li, Ghasemi, Prins, Wuttke, and Hermle et al., 2019:Trans-ethnic meta-analysis of GWAS data for UACR and Microalbuminuria
- Li et al., 2017:Large-Scale Exome Chip Analysis of Kidney Function
- Gorski, van der Most, Teumer, and Chu et al., 2017:1000 Genomes-based meta-analysis identifies 10 novel loci for kidney function
- Pattaro, Teumer, Gorski, Chu, Li, and Mijatovic et al., 2016:Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for kidney function
- Teumer et al., 2015:Albuminuria associations in Diabetes
- Gorski et al., 2015:GWAS of kidney function decline in individuals of European descent
- Parsa et al., 2013:Common variants in Mendelian kidney disease genes and their association with renal function
- Böger et al., 2011:CUBN is a gene locus for albuminuria
- Köttgen et al., 2010:New loci associated with kidney function and chronic kidney disease